Staying Healthy in Body and Mind as the Days Grow Darker

  • Date: October 13, 2024
  • Categories:News

The nights are getting colder and darker, and it is more and more tempting to stay on the couch in front of the telly with a brew or a can. However Christmas is coming and that means a lot of eating. So now is the time to put in the work and make sure you are still in shape when the eating season comes along.

So what can you do to motivate yourself to get out there and do some sport? First and foremost is fun. If you can do something that is going to be a laugh with your mates, you are much more likely to do it than dragging yourself to the gym to pump iron for an hour. It also always feels so much better when you have had proper fresh air, rather than an airconditioned light box. Here at Burnage Rugby Club we have a whole range of activities that can get your blood pounding but is fun as well. And let’s not forget mental health. As if gets darker a lot of people start to feel down, but exercise is one of the best answers.

First and foremost is Footgolf. Sounds a bit odd maybe? Well it’s not. Basically it’s like playing a round of golf, but with a football, and much bigger holes! This is the chance to show off your dribbling skills in front of your friends, and show them up! Each man for himself instead of a team sport, so if there aren’t enough of you for a 5-a-side, this can keep you moving.

Of course if there is enough for teams then you can play a proper game of football. If the fields are wet don’t forget we have the state of the art 4G pitch that can be played on in all weather. The 4G is so much better than the old astro pitches, if you haven’t tried it already then it’s worth it just to give it a go. And don’t forget other team sports are available. Frisbee is a popular game to play on the 4G, and can be very funny indeed!

If you fancy something more traditional, then there is always a good old round of golf. We have 9 holes here at Burnage, in some lovely scenery that can look stunning in autumn if the trees keep their leaves. We have all the usual things you’ll find on a golf course – long fairways, bunkers, tree lines, even a water hazard! So don’t think it will be too easy. It does the mind and body good to be out in the fresh air, so don’t miss the chance. 

And then when you have done all that and have done all that work and you are at maximum brownie points, you can have a chill in the bar and sink a few pints. After all, you’ve earned it! 

#burnagerugbyclub #footgolf #golf #frisbee #4Gpitch #autumnexercise #outdoorexercise #football #keepingfit #fitnessandfun 

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If you have any questions regarding the club facilities and activities please do get in touch.

Club Opening Hours

  • SUNDAY – 6:30am til 10:00pm

  • MONDAY – 9:00am til 10:00pm

  • TUESDAY – 9:00am til 10:00pm

  • WEDNESDAY – 9:00am til 10:00pm

  • THURSDAY – 9:00am til 10:00pm

  • FRIDAY – 9:00am til 11:00pm

  • SATURDAY – 9:00am til 11:00pm




  • 0161 432 2150


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